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Photo Social Stories Cards
Got Special KIDS|Photo Social Stories Cards
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List Price: $27.95
Starting at: $25.15
Savings: $2.80

Product Code: 3466

Photo Social Stories Type:


Photo Social Story Cards are a tool for teaching social skills to young children. The goal of the cards is to increase a child's understanding of typical social situations and to make him/her more comfortable in the social world. Simple stories, illustrated with concrete photographs, teach children how they are expected to act in typical social situations. Each story is followed by bulleted highlights and a set of interactive questions. The photographs provide an illustration of the story for children who learn more visually. These stories are geared toward elementary school children but can also be useful for older children with more basic social skill needs. These cards can be used with an individual child or with a group of children.

Social Skills for Everyday Situations topics include: compromise, greeting someone new, keeping friends, making friends, peer pressure, sharing, taking turns and many more.

Stories About Kids in School topics include:
listening to the teacher, obeying class rules, following directions, giving compliments, asking permission, apologizing, keeping things organized, and many more. The photographs on each card were selected to provide children with a visual understanding of the social challenges in school.

Social Stories Cards About Kids in the Community topics include: greeting a friend, paying attention, riding safely in a car, waiting your turn at a playground, asking for help, and many more.

Social Stories Cards About Kids and Their Families topics include: putting away your toys, starting a conversation, mealtime, sharing, homework, understanding others' feelings, and many more.


  • 35 Photo Social Story Cards
  • Instructions
  • Ages 5+
  • Buy individually or as a set of 4.